
Sherwood Children’s Library Open!

13th  September 2021

The library is OPEN and we really encourage children who attend Temple Grove to visit regularly and get reading!

Tunbridge Wells Children’s Centre:
A message from Simon Fry:
“We appreciate how much our families want to return to something close to our old service and we understand the frustration of waiting so long. However I am very pleased to say that we have now been given authorisation to reopen two more Centres and so from Monday 6th September we have Little Forest, The Ark and Cranbrook Centres returning to opening as previously from Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30. We are still required to observe social distancing and have been given limits for maximum numbers of people in each room. This should allow us to provide groups although we will have to prevent any attendance over the set limits. Initially, given the still mild weather conditions we have scheduled many activities outside as this is much safer and does not have a set limited number. However we will gradually move to offering more groups indoors. Whilst this is still only 3 of the previous 6 Centres, it does represent a significant step towards open Centres and group activities. Please see our Facebook page, newsletter and weekly emails for details of the activities. Health Visiting and Midwifery will also continue to offer their services in our Centres and hopefully other partners will be returning too.”