We currently offer from a range of clubs which mainly take place at the end of the school day.
Some clubs have a small cost attached and are paid for in advance via school money or the school office. All clubs are allocated on a first come, first served basis (unless invite only) in addition to children not having experienced a club, taking priority.
This term, we are delighted to be offering the following clubs:
- Clubs 20th February – July 2023
- Yoga (Years R – 2)
- SATs Booster Year 6 (Invite only)
- Art (Years R -2)
- Hockey with Mr Dixon (Years 3 – 6)
- TBC Cooking club with Nicole from PFRG
- Challenge Maths (Invite only)
- Creativity club (Years 3 – 6)
- Phonics year 1 (invite only)
- Film Club with PFRG (Years 1-6)
- Choir club (all welcome)