
Shakespeare Class Poetry

10th  February 2020

Year 6 wrote a selection of beautiful poems (inspired by our core English text – The Rabbits, By John Marsden and Shaun Tan).

Showing off their poems are Daniel, Harvey, Emily-Jane and Sophie. Sophie’s poem was particularly inspiring and very deep and meaningful. Have a read:


Our Lives: Part 1

Our land, which used to be ivy green,
Is now a forest of darkness,
You stole our children
You stole our freedom
We had space
But you took it all…
Our homes, tall and strong,
Are now what they use against us.
We have to stay in line,
Not able to walk or run.
What is the meaning of life?
Our children, thrown into a new lifestyle,
Their freedom, snatched from their grasp,
placed in order of law.
They’ve lost all meaning of life.
Food and drink, only served at noon,
Trapped inside their madness.
We are their warriors,
We are their slaves,

What is the meaning of life?
The days grow cold,
Our hearts slowly shattering,
They don’t know the meaning of life.


Our Lives: Part 2:
Our lives,
Our hearts,
You took it all:
Our freedom,
Our peace,
Our hope.
Children taken,
Their lives changes,
No biological family,
The same
Next it’s going to be

Our lives…
Our Lives.