Religious Education

Religious Education (RE)


At Temple Grove Academy, our primary school Religious Education (RE) curriculum is designed with a clear intent to foster understanding, respect, and tolerance for diverse religious beliefs and practices. Our aim is to provide a safe and inclusive environment where students can explore different world religions, develop their moral and ethical understanding, and appreciate the richness of cultural and religious diversity. We believe that a robust RE education contributes to the development of well-rounded, empathetic individuals who can navigate an increasingly interconnected world.

Key Intentions:

  1. Cultural Awareness: Cultivate cultural awareness by exploring the beliefs, traditions, and practices of various world religions.
  2. Moral and Ethical Development: Support students in developing a strong moral and ethical framework based on the teachings of different religious traditions.
  3. Respect and Tolerance: Promote respect and tolerance for diverse religious perspectives, fostering an inclusive school community.
  4. Critical Thinking: Encourage critical thinking about religious concepts and their impact on individuals and societies.


To achieve our RE curriculum goals, we have chosen to collaborate with Kapow, a platform that aligns with our teaching philosophy and provides comprehensive resources and tools for delivering dynamic and engaging RE lessons. Kapow supports our educators in creating an interactive and immersive RE curriculum.

Key Implementations:

  1. Extensive Resource Library: Utilize Kapow’s extensive library of RE resources, including lesson plans, multimedia content, and interactive activities, to enhance the variety and depth of RE lessons.
  2. Interactive Lessons: Incorporate Kapow’s interactive features, such as virtual tours of religious sites, discussions, and collaborative projects, to make RE lessons engaging and relevant.
  3. Progress Tracking: Use Kapow’s tools to track students’ progress in their understanding of religious concepts and their ability to engage in respectful discussions.
  4. Cross-Curricular Integration: Explore cross-curricular opportunities by integrating RE with other subjects, fostering connections between religious education and broader learning experiences.


We anticipate a positive impact on our students’ understanding of diverse religious traditions, respect for others, and the development of strong moral and ethical values. The impact of our RE curriculum, supported by Kapow, will be measured through students’ cultural awareness, empathy, and their ability to engage in thoughtful discussions about religious concepts.

Key Areas of Impact:

  1. Cultural Awareness: Assess improvements in students’ knowledge and understanding of different religious traditions and practices.
  2. Empathy and Respect: Observe increased empathy and respect for individuals with different religious beliefs.
  3. Critical Thinking: Measure students’ ability to think critically about religious concepts and their impact on individuals and societies.

By integrating Kapow into our RE curriculum, we aim to provide a comprehensive and impactful religious education that prepares our students to navigate a diverse and interconnected global society with respect and understanding.