Children at Temple Grove Academy are literate mathematicians. This means that in addition to being fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, they can also reason to solve concrete, real-life problems, as well as those whose context is more abstract. Graduating pupils are equipped not only with a sound foundation in number and calculation, but a deeper understanding of the interconnected principles that will underpin their further education in STEM as well as their ability to function as a mathematically literate adult.
Mathematics provision will equip children with a fluent command of number skills, and an ever-developing confidence and efficiency in mental as well as more formal arithmetic. This fluency will provide a solid foundation for the understanding of the interlinked strands of the National Curriculum. As this conceptual understanding grows, it allows the development of problem-solving and reasoning skills that will reap benefits outside of the confines of mathematics.
With this in mind, mathematicians at Temple Grove Academy are taught and encouraged to develop the following three essential traits:
1) To be Mathematical Modellers: A Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach encourages children to visualise and understand key concepts and understand links between different images, models and representations. This is key to the development of strong mental arithmetic and allows a better understanding and recall of more formal mathematical procedures.
2) To be Mathematical Narrators: An abstract concept cannot be fully understood or described until it is named. Explicitly taught mathematical vocabulary is used to allow children to effectively communicate their understanding and discuss misconceptions. Furthermore, these subject-specific terms allow children to articulate their reasoning to others, form logical arguments and assess their validity for themselves.
3) To be Mathematical Investigators: Motivated learners who feel successful will strive to learn more, and have the resilience needed to persist in their efforts. Challenging and engaging mathematics provision will encourage a positive, resilient attitude to learning.
The development of these essential traits is supported by:
- Strong staff subject knowledge;
- The explicit use of high-quality models and images that encourage the understanding of key concepts and lead to the development of informal calculation strategies. Children can demonstrate a concept using multiple representations.
- Arithmetical and procedural fluency in number;
- Rapid recall of learnt number facts, and strategies to find derived facts for calculation;
- A learning environment which is rich in mathematical vocabulary; Subject specific terms are explicitly taught and used by staff and children to discuss, question, and deepen understanding.
- The use of multiple representations and mathematical vocabulary encourages the understanding of connections between strands of mathematics;
- Children’s ability to apply problem-solving strategies and reasoning to increasingly sophisticated contexts;
- The provision of an engaging, challenging curriculum that allows children to feel successful and motivated.
- Staff subject knowledge is supported and developed with continuing professional development;
- Medium and long-term planning is guided by the White Rose framework, which adheres to the requirements of the National Curriculum;
- Sequences of lessons are preceded and followed by low-stakes written assessment, which informs planning;
- Times Table Rockstars is utilised to help support and develop children’s knowledge of times tables;
- The teaching of key knowledge and skills follows a Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract approach. Manipulatives or objects are used to represent concepts. Objects are replaced by pictorial representations, which lead to the application of abstractions and calculation strategies.
- Session planning is informed by daily assessment for learning; misconceptions are addressed daily;
- Daily assessment for learning is also used to inform planning for challenge;
- Key models and images are explicitly used by instructors and children; these are visible in teaching, in books, and on learning walls;
- A calculation policy consistent with White Rose is agreed and used to guide the teaching of number fluency.
- Vocabulary consistent with the National Curriculum is explicitly taught and used by children in the written outcomes and discussion. Vocabulary that will be taught is agreed with the subject lead.
- Problem-solving strategies are explicitly taught and supported by the use of key models and images and relevant vocabulary. The use of reasoning to deepen understanding and address misconceptions is planned for in every lesson.
- Most or all tasks are “talking tasks” in which learning partners discuss and collaborate using subject specific vocabulary;
- Core number skills for each year group are agreed with the subject lead. That each child is secure in these before the end of an academic year is of primary importance.
- Timely intervention addresses misconceptions daily. More substantial gaps are addressed by intervention in class or at agreed times.
- Staff have the robust subject knowledge required to deliver quality first teaching, address misconceptions, and challenge children of all abilities;
- Medium and long-term planning ensures that each year group receives coverage appropriate to it;
- Children have an understanding of key number concepts that supports strong mental arithmetic;
- Children can demonstrate their number fluency using a variety of models;
- Formal, written arithmetic is underpinned by secure mental arithmetic; children will have rapid number recall of needed facts, and the ability to derive number facts to use in calculation;
- Children will be able to reason and solve problems independently as well as explain their methods and reasoning using subject-specific vocabulary;
- Children achieve the best possible outcome in mathematics.
- Children acquire an enthusiasm for maths and a confidence in their ability to apply their skills