Art 004


We offer from a wide range of clubs. 

Some clubs have a small cost attached and are paid for in advance via Arbor or the school office. Clubs are allocated on a first come, first served basis (unless invite only), with children not having experienced a club, taking priority. 

This term, we are delighted to be offering the following clubs:

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club



Netball Club (Yrs 5-6) 

After School TBC Eco Club (Yrs 3-6) Bollywood (Yrs 1 -3) Maddies Club (Yrs 2-4)

Love the game football (Yrs 1-6)


    Hockey (Yrs 5-6)   Football Team Practise (Yrs 5-6) (Invite only)