Outdoor Kitchen 003

Wider Curriculum

Forest school

Resilient, Confident, Independent and Creative Learners

“Forest School builds on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitudes towards learning, offering them the opportunity to take risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves”

During Forest School sessions, children will:

  • Have opportunities to develop their communication skills

  • Manage and talk about their feelings

  • Build positive relationships with both adults and peers

  • Challenge their physical abilities through climbing and creating

  • Have opportunities to foster responsibility and empath

  • Improve their knowledge and understanding of the natural world.

Children develop their emotional intelligence through self-control, flexibility/adaptability and social competencies.  During Forest School sessions children will have opportunities to identify their strengths and weaknesses, take risks, learn how to communicate effectively with adults and their peers, problem solve in a calm and controlled manner and develop an innate motivation to learn, explore and investigate.

Forest School sessions will take place in all weather, so please ensure your child has the correct clothing on his/her Forest School days – sturdy boots or Wellington boots, waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat.  In winter, your child may also need a hat, scarf and gloves.

Mrs Hannah Mclean is a qualified Level 3 Forest School Leader with experience in outdoor skill-based learning.


We are hoping to work with volunteers from the area to restore the allotment and poly tunnel area to full bloom  We are hopeful that this will lead to gardening opportunities for all and prove to have a therapeutic benefit.  As Monty Don the gardener said “I would argue that there is no other activity available to so many people that sustains as much good health, as gardening.”


Swimming lessons are arranged and alternate between KS2 termly.